The Institute of Power Engineering (IEn) is one of the largest institutes in Poland and Central Europe providing research in the field of energy technologies. The Institute is a modern state owned research and development center.


The Institute covers a wide area of ​​energy research from expert works for the power sector, to investigations of the most advanced technologies of energy generation, such as fuel cells, clean coal technologies and renewable energy sources. The advantage of the Institute is the experienced scientific, engineering and technical staff as well as numerous modern, sometimes unique laboratory facilities. The Institute is a member of the European Energy Research Alliance EERA and participates in numerous EU research projects.

The IEn’s mission is development of the innovative technologies that lead to a sustainable and secure energy system. The Institute’s research and development activities, expert and advisory works support sustainable forms of energy generation and consumption, energy saving and efficiency, clean ways to use fossil fuels and implementation of renewable energy sources.

Institute began working on nuclear technology in ‘80s. Currently, the area of activity in the field of nuclear power includes electrical systems for NPPs and utilization of heat/steam for hydrogen production in high temperature electrolyzers (SOE) and chemical loops.