Mateusz Berger

Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure
Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure.
Lawyer, graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. For many years he worked as a lawyer in a Warsaw law firm and then in the legal department of a bank. He also served as Director of the Department of Supervised and Subordinate Units in the Ministry of Development and as Director of the Department of the State Treasury in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. He articipated in the works related to the creation of the Polish Aviation Group. He was a member and then Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PLL LOT S.A. for over five years. He has extensive experience in investment financing, corporate governance and legal aspects of commercial companies.
He was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Industrial Development Agency (ARP) S.A. from May 2017 to December 2019 and a member of the Management Board of ARP from December 2019. He oversaw investment and restructuring projects. He was involved in offshore wind energy projects, in particular in securing the participation of Polish companies in the development of this
energy segment.
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Thierry Deschaux

Managing Director of EDF Polska
Thierry Deschaux has over 30 years of experience in the energy sector. He has been with the EDF Group since the beginning of his career. For 15 years he worked in France dealing with nuclear energy issues in the following areas: engineering, servicing and maintenance of power plants and strategic purchases of nuclear fuel. He also has a good knowledge of the Polish energy market, including knowledge in the area of coal purchases, development of heat and power plants, management of district heating systems and development of energy services.
During his 15 years in Poland, he held managerial positions in companies such as: Energokrak, EDF Polska, and Dalkia Polska, where he was President of the Board during 7 years.
He is an engineer by education, graduated from Centrale- Supelec, INSA. He completed numerous training courses in corporate strategy, project acquisition and business development, and business leadership.
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Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński

Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Climate and Environment
Graduate of HEC Paris and the history faculties of the Paris IV-Sorbonne University and the University of Warsaw.

In 2013, he began working at the Ministry of Environment as part of the Climate Negotiators Team at the United Nations COP19 Climate Summit in Warsaw. Previously, he had gained experience in the field of finance in the private sector.

In 2015–2018, he headed the Environmental Department at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels, where he negotiated draft legislation on the environment and climate in Council working groups. In 2018, he served as the chief negotiator of the Polish Presidency of COP24 in Katowice, preparing a package of decisions implementing the Paris Agreement, the so-called Katowice Rulebook. In 2019, he once again became the head of the Environmental Department at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU.
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Dr Bożena Horbaczewska

Warsaw School of Economics
Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics II, Warsaw School of Economics. Academic lecturer in economics and finance, author and co-author of more than 30 scientific articles and expert opinions, including on economic and financial issues of nuclear power and business models. She has been working on nuclear energy issues for several years. Head of Postgraduate Studies in Nuclear Energy at the Warsaw School of Economics. Independent consultant to the Nuclear Energy Department at the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Co-author of the SaHo Model. Awarded by the Rector of SGH with the First Degree Individual Award for achievements making a significant contribution to the development of science, including the development of economic and financial aspects of the SaHo Model.

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Adam Juszczak

Advisor in the climate and energy team of the Polish Economic Institute
Associated with the Polish Economic Institute for more than 3 years. Author of numerous analyses, including the report "Economic aspects of nuclear investments in Poland - impact on business, labor market and local communities." Graduate of the University of Lodz, where he currently teaches as a research and teaching assistant and is finalizing his doctoral dissertation.

In the past, he was professionally connected with the National Bank of Poland and the Deloitte consulting firm. Alumnus and winner of student programs of the Leslaw A. Paga Foundation, the Civil Development Forum and the Responsible Business Forum, among others. During his studies he was on scholarships in Japan, Brazil and Mexico.
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Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz

Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw
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Agnieszka Korgul

Researcher at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw
Agnieszka has more than 20 years of experience in research and teaching in various aspects of nuclear physics (e.g. nuclear power, dosimetry, radiation protection, nucleus structure).
She collaborates with laboratory centres such as CERN (Switzerland), Grenoble (France), Orsay (France), GSI (Germany), ORNL (USA), MSU (USA), RIKEN (Japan), NCBJ (Poland), ICHTJ (Poland).

Coordinator of the Energy and Nuclear Chemistry course at FUW carried out in collaboration with the UW Chemistry Department. Vice-President of the Polish Nucleonic Society and member of NCBJ Nuclear Safety Commission and the Programme Board of the journal Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection.
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Kamila Koźbiał-Loba

Member of the Board of Directors for Operations - Enea Innovations
Ms. Kamila Koźbiał - Loba is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wrocław.
She completed postgraduate managerial studies in business management at the University of Economics Wrocław and holds an MBA degree from GFKM in cooperation with the Economic Chamber of Gas Industry and the University of Gdansk, as well as the Institut d'Administration des Enetrprises Aix-Marseille.

Since 2017, he has held executive and managerial positions in the energy sector. In 2017 -2021, she managed the implementation of strategic projects for PGNiG TERMIKA Distributed Energy sp. z o.o. in the area of preparation and implementation of investments aimed at the development of low- and zero-carbon heat and power generation technologies, as well as the improvement of energy efficiency of energy installations. He is currently Member of the Management Board for Operations at Enea Innowacje sp. z o.o., where he manages the area of capital investments directly related to the core-business of the ENEA CG and new technologies in the energy industry, including also solutions from the SMR area.
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Jakub Kupecki

Head of Center for Hydrogen Technologies (CTH2), Institute of Power Engineering
Project manager, task leader and contractor in more than 50 projects related to hydrogen technologies funded by the national funding agencies, EC, DoE/DoS, ESA and directly by the industry. Involved in projects related to HTR in Poland (IEn, NCBJ) and in Sweden (KTH). Author and co-author of numerous technical reports, more than 200 publications and conference presentations, 7 patents/patent applications, mostly commercialized. Double Fulbrighter and recipient of the Bekker scholarship from NAWA. Recipient of numerous recognitions, including the Siemens and Nernst awards. Member of the Coordinating Board responsible for the Polish Hydrogen Strategy.
Graduated from Warsaw University of Technology, University of Iceland and University of Akureyri. Completed the training in commercialization of R&D and leading research teams at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.
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Michał Niewiadomski

Founder of the Energy Club, energy and climate journalist.
Associated with the media for nearly 30 years. He has worked in Radio Mazowsze, Rozgłośnia Harcerska, Radiostacja, Polish Radio BIS, TVN CNBC, Channel One of Polish Radio and Rzeczpospolita.
In 2021, he was awarded the Personality of the Year title, awarded by the Polish Wind Energy Association. A graduate of the University of Warsaw, the Warsaw School of Economics and the Warsaw University of Technology.
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Alojzy Z. Nowak

Rector of the University of Warsaw
Professor Alojzy Z. Nowak graduated from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in 1984. He is affiliated to UW as of 1984. In 1991, he earned his doctoral degree in Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. He received tenure in Economic Sciences in 1995 there. Between 1996 and 2002, he held the position of an associate professor. By the decision of Poland’s President, he received professor degree in 2002. Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak has held a variety of leadership roles including Head of the Academic Subunit for International Economics and the Academic Unit for Economics at the Faculty of Management, Director of European Center. In years 1999-2006, Prof. Nowak was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Management, and in 2006-2012 Dean of this unit. Next four years, he spent at UW working as Vice-Rector in charge of research and cooperation. In 2016, he was elected as Dean of the Faculty of Management. During his academic career, he was delivering lectures at universities in France, UK, USA, Russia, China and Korea. He also studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign (USA), the University of Exeter (UK), in Antwerp and the Free University of Berlin (Germany).
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Prof. dr hab. Paweł Olko

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN
Professor of physics, Head of Applied Physics Division at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Kraków,
Commissioner of the International Commission of Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), deputy chairman of
the European Radiation Dosimetry Group EURADOS, expert of EC Art. 31 EURATOM Treaty
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Head of Unit, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy
Zuzana Petrovicova has a background in economics and finance with experience in particular in risk management and analysis in the private and public sector. Her career in the public sector includes the European Commission’s economic and financial departments, as well as the department for energy.

From 2010 until 2015, she worked for the European Commission’s Directorate for Finance, coordination with EIB Group, EBRD and IFIs, in the unit responsible for "Financing of innovation, competitiveness and employment policies", in particular managing and designing financial instruments for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Since 2015, she has worked in the unit responsible for "Nuclear Energy, Nuclear waste and decommissioning" within the Directorate for "Nuclear Safety and Fuel Cycle", where she is currently Head of Unit. The main activities of her current unit are economic analysis of the EU’s nuclear energy market, financing decommissioning projects in Bulgaria, Lithuania and
Slovakia, as well as general policy setting in the back-end of the life cycle of nuclear power plants, and the implementation of EURATOM secondary law on radioactive waste and spent fuel management.
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Bogdan Pilch

General Director of Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environmental Protection
Editor-in-chief of Journalist and expert specializing in energy, business and sustainable development. She published, inter alia, in "Rzeczpospolita" and "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna". She co-created the website
In 2015-2018, she was awarded four times in the Polish Power Exchange competition for the best articles on the electricity and gas markets. In 2017, she was awarded the title of Journalist of the Year.
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Piotr Podgórski

Chief Transformation Officer at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A
Graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, the Warsaw School of Economics and MBA course from the University of Illinois and the University of Warsaw.

He has many years of managerial experience, specialising in preparation and implementation of strategic and operational plans for investment projects. Between 2015 and 2018 he was responsible for the preparation of the Multi-annual Government Programme for the construction of the Polish History Museum in Warsaw. From 2019 to 2021 he served as President of the Board of Xcity Investment.

In January 2022 he was appointed Chief Transformation Officer at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
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Karol Rabenda

Deputy Minister of State Assets
He has served as Undersecretary of the Ministry of State Assets since September 9, 2021. He was born on June 16, 1983 in Malbork. He graduated from the University of Gdansk with a degree in history and completed postgraduate studies in real estate at the Wrocław University of Economics, and is also an MBA graduate. As an entrepreneur, he is professionally connected with the real estate industry. From 2018 to 2021, he served as president of the International Guarantee Corporation. In 2021, he served on the supervisory board of Polregio.
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Scott E. Rasmussen

Director of Sales NuScale Power
Scott E. Rasmussen joined NuScale Power as Director of Sales in September 2018, and is responsible for all aspects of developing domestic and international customer partnerships to implement NuScale’s SMR power plant technology. This followed an extensive career in GE Power and GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH), where he last held the position of Vice President, PRISM Product Line – Nuclear Plant.

Projects. In that role Scott led the establishment of the vision for the commercial and market strategy, and directed the product and technology development for the PRISM product line. Prior to that role, Scott was the ESBWR Senior Product Manager, as well as having held several other business critical positions within GEH.

During his time in GE’s Power division, Scott gained experience working with global power plant developers and utilities, and has supported numerous large power projects in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Scott has also spent time in various engineering roles and leadership positions in commercial operations, project management and supply chain.
Scott holds a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Union College and a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering form the New York Institute of Technology.
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Łukasz Sawicki

Ministry of Climate and Environment
Nuclear sector analyst, co-author of the SaHo Model. In the nuclear industry since 2006 (including 12 years in government administration) in positions related to nuclear power economics. Specializes in business models for nuclear power plants. Currently in the position of Counselor in the Department of Nuclear Energy at the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Author of about 20 publications on the economic aspects of nuclear power, including business models, and the impact of the nuclear industry on the Polish economy.

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Ostap Semerak

Partner, VASIL KISIL AND PARTNERS, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine (2016-2019)
Experienced politician and public official. Member of the Ukrainian Parliament of the 6th convocation (2007 to 2012, Budget Committee) and of the 8th convocation (2014 to 2016, European Integration Committee). Co-Chair of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee (2014 to 2016).
Master of Political Science, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

As an MP, he sponsored a number of draft laws passed by the Verkhovna Rada, including, in particular, laws on:
- amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Prevention and Counteraction of Political Corruption (on Public Financing of Political Parties);
- state Support of Cinematography in Ukraine;
- amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine (regarding Improving Protection of Professional Journalistic Activities).

Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2014). Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (2016 to 2019).
During the time of his service at the Parliament, he has sponsored the passing of more than 20 laws drafted to fulfil the obligations assumed by Ukraine under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and for approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU Law, including, in particular, laws on:
- environmental Impact Assessment;
- strategic Environmental Assessment; and
- fundamental Principles of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Co-author, An ABC for a Ukrainian Politician (1997).

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Andrzej Sidło

Nuclear Energy Department, Ministry of Climate and Environment Republic of Poland
Chief Specialist at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Department of Nuclear Energy. Responsible for industrial aspects of the implemented nuclear program.

2004-2012 Project manager/Project director at Polimex-Mostostal/ZREW - preparation, implementation, supervision of investment, modernization and repair projects in the energy (including nuclear facilities), petrochemical, steel, paper sectors. A total of dozens of completed projects in the EU.

Graduate of the Cracow University of Economics (M.Sc. in finance and banking) and postgraduate MBA studies
at Université I Lille in France (Insitut d'Administration des Entreprises).
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David Sledzik

Senior Vice President & General Manager, Market Development – Europe / Managing Director, BWRX Europe LLC GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
David Sledzik Senior Vice President & General Manager, Market Development – Europe / Managing Director, BWRX Europe LLC GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy David is responsible for small modular and advanced reactor market development for Europe and serves as the Managing Director of BWRX Europe LLC, a joint venture between GE Hitachi and Synthos Green Energy. BWRX Europe LLC was established to define and create BWRX-300 project solutions for European utilities and industrial customers. Previously, David served as the Executive of Plant Solutions, a portion of GE Hitachi’s services business comprised of asset enhancement services, technical services, spare parts, instrumentation and controls, digital solutions and the BWR Owners Group product portfolios. David also had overall responsibility to manage the joint venture business partnership between GE and Hitachi. David had also served as the Sales Executive, responsible for the global sales and business development for all of GE Hitachi’s new nuclear plant offerings, and as the NPP International Projects Leader. Prior that, David worked for 6 years in Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) as the Manager of Customer Projects, Commercial Operations and Marketing, delivering fuel and engineering services to the worldwide BWR fleet. David has over 36 years of service with GE, and held many diverse assignments in manufacturing, supply chain, sourcing and operations for GE Energy, GE Aviation, & GE Lighting and has served on the board of directors for both Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas and Global Nuclear Fuel-Japan. He is a 3-term member of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Civilian Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC), was the chairman, from 2015-2017, for the World Nuclear Association’s task force on Nuclear New Build Lesson-learned, and served on the technical advisory board for the Nuclear Alternatives Project’s Preliminary Feasibility Study for Small Modular Reactors and Microreactors for Puerto Rico. David holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
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Joanna Smolik

Director of the Strategic Relations Department in the BGK, Polish Development Bank
She has worked at BGK since 2010, as a specialist and expert in the Structured Finance Department , and since 2014 as director of the office responsible for structuring finance for the energy, transport and municipal sectors. In 2020, she took over as a director of the Office for the Structuring of Difficult Transactions dealing with the early restructuring of companies. Since April 2021, she has been the director of the Strategic Relationships Department, which main task is to support the sustainable socio-economic development of Poland by providing financial solutions and comprehensive banking services to key business entities.

At BGK, she is also the director of the Strategic Security program. The aim of it is to develop and implement financial solutions responding to market needs in the area of energy, fuel sector, defence and cybersecurity.

Apart from working at BGK, she gained her professional experience, among others, at TFI Energa SA, where she was director of the Private Assets Management Office. She holds a master's degree in Finance and Banking from the Warsaw School of Economics and in Economics from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Privately, she enjoys spending her free time actively and is also interested in interior design.
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Dr hab. Grzegorz Tchorek, Prof. IEn

Deputy Director, Institute of Power Engineering , Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
Graduated Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw and received M.A. degree in Business Management in 2001 and Ph.D. degree in Economics in 2007 at the same University. In research and scientific activity focuses on the economic aspects of monetary integration and internationalization of enterprises, competitiveness and innovation, value chains of various sectors of the economy, challenges of the energy and climate transformation, and industrial policy. Since 2017, research and publishing activity in the field of low and zero-emission solutions and technologies. Initiator and the head of the Research Center on Energy Transition, Mobility and Climate Change at the Faculty of Management. Member of the State Council for Environmental Protection at the Minister of Climate and
Environment. Chairman of the team of experts on hydrogen at the Chamber of the Natural Gas Industry.
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Tomasz Tomasiak

Director of Energy Transformation Department, PFR
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Tomasz Zadroga

CEO Respect Energy
Manager with extensive experience in management of wide range of companies, including leading market players from the energy sector. Between 2008 and 2011 Tomasz served as the President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna - the largest manufacturer and supplier of electric energy in Poland. He also has been Vice-President of EURELECTRIC The Union of the Electricity Industry (2011-2012). Member of the prestigious domestic and international associations, such as Polish Business Roundtable, ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). Over his long-time business career he held numerous executive positions in the companies from multiple branches: ZE PAK, ABB, Polkomtel, Inter Cars, Adidas, Papyrus-Stora Enso, Yawal.

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